Asbury United Methodist Church
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Reach Up, Reach In, Reach Out

Celebrating the Class of 2016 and Min. William Reaves Jr.


Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016

Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016

Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016

Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016

Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016

Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016

Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016

Congratulations to Will Reaves Jr. on his pastoral appointment!


Congratulations to Will Reaves Jr. on his pastoral appointment!

Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016

It was also "T-Shirt Sunday" at Asbury


It was also

Celebrating the Class of 2016


Celebrating the Class of 2016